Mittwoch, 16. Oktober 2013


At the last meeting, we were talking about stories: inventing stories, collecting stories, stories which are combiend with memory-thougts and keepsakes (memory-things). It doesn't matter if stories are truthful or imaginery, but they can help you, to remember important things, things you shouden't forget. It's easier to remember a whole story, instead of a particular single item. By the use of stories you are able to conjure up a lot of visual images, connected with true-life-things.

After this thoughts, I did some research about "collecting stories". I found this great video, on the TED-homepage. A young software ingineer talk about his passion to collect things, and to collect stories too. It's about of different ways to collect stories of people, and the try to experience very personal storiesof them.
I like it so much, you should watch it. Follow the link for the video:

Stories as an archive of people, situations, encounters, memories, things here in Gothenburg.

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